Eye Hospital

Blepharitis is a common inflammation of the eyelids caused by a variety of factors. Because it only affects the edges of your eyelids, it is also known as lid margin disease. It can happen when certain skin conditions cause irritation, or when bacteria causes infection, or a combination of the two.

Your eyelids may become red, swollen, and scaly as a result. Blepharitis almost always affects both eyes. It is possible that it will only affect one eye in some cases, but this is uncommon. Once blepharitis develops, a secondary infection is possible. Though unpleasant, most cases are not contagious and will not result in blindness.

How widespread is blepharitis?

The majority of blepharitis types affect both adults and children of both genders equally. However, certain types, such as staphylococcal blepharitis, primarily affect women (80 percent of cases). According to a recent survey of ophthalmologists and optometrists, nearly half of the patients they see have blepharitis. So it’s comforting to know that it’s very common and that the symptoms are easily managed.

Are there various types of blepharitis?

The location of blepharitis on your lids defines it.

There are two kinds:

Anterior blepharitis: occurs when the front exterior of the eyelid, where the eyelashes emerge, becomes red and swollen.

Posterior blepharitis: This occurs when the oil (meibomian) glands in the moist underside of the eyelid produce oil erratically.

What are the signs and symptoms of blepharitis? 

Blepharitis can cause itchy eyelids that are red, swollen, and scaly. The eyelid surface becomes irritated and crusts form as the scales become coarser, which may cause your eyelids to stick together. You might wake up with a crust on your eyelashes and eyelid edges that is heavier than the “sleep” you’re used to seeing. Instead of being clear or white, the eye discharge may be yellow or green. If the crust gets into your eye, you may experience a “something in your eye” sensation or your eye may feel gritty.

Other signs and symptoms may include:

Burning sensation in the upper eyelid.

Blinking excessively.

Vision is hazy.

Eyelash and eyelid corner crusting

Dry eyes.

The eyelids were stuck together.

Tears in excess.

Skin flakes around the eyes and eyelids.

Eyelids that are greasy.


Fear of light (light sensitivity).

Eyelids are red and swollen.

Red and irritated eyes

What causes blepharitis?

The causes of blepharitis are unknown, and there is rarely a single cause. Bacteria or conditions that cause inflammation are thought to be among the culprits.

Among these are:

Anterior Blepharitis

Rosacea acne – Rosacea causes inflammation of the facial skin, including the eyelids.

Allergies – Allergies to contact lens solution, eye drops, or makeup can cause irritation.

Dandruff (Seborrheic dermatitis) – Flaking dandruff can irritate and inflame the eyelids.

Dry eyes –  Dry tear ducts can alter bacterial resistance, resulting in infection.

Lice or mites in the eyelashes (Demodicosis) – Demodex mites or lice clog eyelash follicles and glands. Demodex mites were found in 30% of chronic blepharitis patients in one study.

Posterior Blepharitis

Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD). Oil-producing gland openings in your eyelids become clogged, causing dry eye, which can lead to inflammation and infection. This common type may be the least preventable. Skin conditions like rosacea or dandruff can also cause posterior blepharitis.

How is blepharitis identified?

Blepharitis is difficult to diagnose because it can be caused by a variety of conditions. There is no single test for this condition. Here are some steps your eye doctor may take to determine which disease type(s) is present.

Medical history – To determine your risk factors, the provider will ask about your symptoms and other health conditions.

External eyelid examination – The appearance of the eyelids, as well as the degree of reddening, discharge, and swelling, will aid in determining the type and severity.

Cultures should be discharged –  A swab of eyelid secretion sent to a lab can determine the contents, including the type and quantity of bacteria present.

The tear test – A tear sample can be used to determine whether dry eye is a factor.

Examine your lashes – Mites can be detected by examining eyelashes under a microscope.

Biopsy of the eyelids – Extreme swelling may necessitate a biopsy to rule out skin cancer or other abnormal cells in rare cases. The location of the area being tested determines the type of biopsy. Your eye doctor will use local anaesthetic to numb the lid. The cells are then sampled using a needle biopsy and examined under a microscope. There may be some bruising, but there is usually little to no scarring.

Is it possible to treat my blepharitis at home?

Self-care at home may help relieve symptoms of some types of blepharitis. If you suspect you have blepharitis, try the following remedies:

Avoid wearing eye makeup – To reduce irritation, you should avoid wearing eye makeup until the infection is under control.

Make use of warm compresses – Take a clean washcloth and soak it in warm water. Wring out excess water and place the cloth over your eyelids, repeating as needed to keep the cloth temperature stable. The crusts will eventually dampen, and oily debris will be easier to wipe away.

Clean your eyelids – While this may result in more laundry, wash each eyelid with a new clean cloth. This will help to reduce the spread of bacteria from one eye to the other.

  1. Combine 50 percent baby shampoo and 50 percent water.
  2. Apply the soapy solution to your index finger using the warm, wet washcloth.
  3. Close the eye you’re cleansing and use horizontal strokes to rub the washcloth over the lashes and lid margins.
  4. Rinse thoroughly with a warm, clean washcloth.
  5. Repeat for the other eye.

If a few days of gently cleaning your eyelids doesn’t stop the crusting, it’s time to see your eye doctor.

How will an eye doctor treat my blepharitis?

The type of blepharitis you have will determine your treatment. Your provider may prescribe the following treatments after examining your eyelid swelling and running tests:

Antibiotics – Applying a prescription antibiotic ointment to your eyelid, such as bacitracin ophthalmic (Polysporin®), or using prescription antibiotic eye drops, such as polymyxin B and trimethoprim (Polytrim®), may help resolve the bacterial infection and reduce irritation. For more severe cases, an oral antibiotic may be prescribed.

Anti-inflammatories – If your provider believes you require a stronger medication, a steroid eye drop or cream can be added to your treatment plan. Steroids are used to treat inflammation. To treat underlying conditions or secondary infections, both antibiotics and anti-inflammatories are sometimes prescribed.

Immunomodulators – In cases of posterior blepharitis, adding an immunomodulatory drug, such as Cyclosporine Ophthalmic (Restasis®), has been shown to reduce inflammation. These medications inhibit the body’s natural immune response, reducing inflammation.

Root cause treatment – In addition to treating symptoms, it is critical to treat the root causes of blepharitis. Blepharitis can be exacerbated by skin conditions such as dandruff or eye ailments such as dry eye. A dandruff shampoo or eye drops for dry eyes may be beneficial in these cases.

What complications can blepharitis cause?

Although blepharitis cannot be cured, it can be treated and controlled with proper eyelid hygiene. Blepharitis, if left untreated, can lead to more serious eye conditions, such as corneal problems, which can be severe.

Among the complications are:

Chalazion – A chalazion is a small, painless swelling of the eyelid.

Corneal ulcer (keratitus) – A sore on the cornea caused by an infection or swelling of the eyelids.

Eyelash problems – As a result of chronic blepharitis, eyelashes may shed, grow in unusual directions, or lighten.

Pink eye – Certain types of blepharitis can progress to chronic pink eye.

Sty (stye) – A sty (stye) is a red, painful bump on the upper eyelid near the lashes.

Tear film problems – Tears are a delicate balance of mucous, oil, and water that keeps the eyes moist and protected. Dry eyes or excessive tearing can occur if skin or oily debris accumulate and cause irritation.

How can I avoid blepharitis?

The majority of blepharitis cases are unpreventable. Some blepharitis risk factors, such as certain skin conditions, are beyond your control. However, there are some everyday steps you can take to reduce the symptoms of blepharitis:

Maintain a clean face and hands.

Refrain from touching itchy eyes or face. If necessary, use a clean tissue.

Remove all eye makeup before going to bed.

With a clean tissue, dab away any excess tears or eye drops.

Until the condition improves, wear glasses instead of contact lenses.

Replace your eye makeup, whether it’s eyeliner, eye shadow, or mascara, because bacteria could be lurking within the old container and you don’t want to reinfect yourself.

Message from Dr. Kamdar Hospital:

Blepharitis and its symptoms, such as swollen, red eyelids, are never pleasant. However, in the majority of cases, it is a manageable condition. You’ll probably have fewer flare-ups if you maintain a good eyelid hygiene routine.

The doctors at Dr Kamdar Eye Hospital specialise in LASIK, cataract, cornea, retina, and glaucoma treatments. Dr. Kamdar Eye Hospital.

You will find cutting-edge medical facilities that combine revolutionary technologies with the most experienced ophthalmologists at the hospital. Our goal is to help you realise your best vision.

Please call or visit Dr Kamdar Eye Hospital for more information or to schedule an appointment with a consultant.

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